Description of the translation agency KazTranslate franchise
According to statistics, 87-89% of startups are closed in the first year of operation. But a KazTranslate franchise is not a startup; it is an effective business that is able to operate for more than 10 years
Our Company was founded in 2011 and has a franchise network in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the cities of Almaty and Nur-Sultan (Astana). More than 30 languages from professional translators. We invite partners to create a working business in their region. In the absence of significant start-up costs and with our high-quality support you can open an office in a short time (1-2 weeks) and quickly bring it to the break-even point (3-4 months).
Of great interest to promote our franchise are: the CIS (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Tashkent, Kiev, Minsk, etc.), European countries (London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, Vienna, Brussels, Athens, Bern, Warsaw, Prague, etc.).
* Invest in your business and start earning.
The most profitable franchise fee among competitors!!
Royalties: 5% of turnover if the sales plan of 400,000 tenge (~$900 or 70,000 rubles) per month is not met. (Discount! First 4 months royalty-free)
Starting investment: from 970,000 tenge (~$2,200 or 160,000 rubles) * The initial investment can be much less if the franchise is in the form of an additional business.
Payback period: 4-5 months. Turnover per month: from 900,000 tenge (~$2,000 or 150,000 rubles)!
Profit: You earn on the difference between the special tariff and final price. High marginality – 70-180%
Contract for 3 years!
The attractiveness of this business is due to the fact that translation services are in demand by a wide range of consumers: organizations performing international business activities, and the population when organizing trips abroad for any purpose, from tourism to work, study and permanent residence. In the context of globalization of the modern world, the demand for translation services is growing steadily, increasing the market capacity.
You do not need to look for qualified specialists in each language. We have them!
Why our franchise?
You are our franchisee if:
How it works?
Requirements for the premises
* For us, a partner is more important than a franchise fee!
Call us and get a presentation, financial model
and more detailed information..
Acceptance of applications by number +7 707 557 77 70.
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ул. Желтоксан, д. 35, офис № 33
Улица Иманова, 11, офис 106,
Ул. Сайрамская, 235/1.
Ул. Маресьева, 95, 1 этаж, офис 51.
пр. Назарбаева, 23, н.п. 1.
Жиллой массив: Телецентр 11
Усть-Каменогорск (Оскемен).
пр. Назарбаева, 35/2.
ул. Бектурова, д 22, этаж 2.
пр. Азаттык, д 94, 1 этаж.
Абая, 30/63, 1 этаж.
мкр , 30, д. 181, нежилое помещение 9.