Written translation - Бюро переводов в Алматы KazTranslate
  • Алматы

    ул. Желтоксан, д. 35, офис № 33

  • Астана

    Улица Иманова, 11, офис 106,

  • Шымкент

    Ул. Сайрамская, 235/1.

  • Актобе

    Ул. Маресьева, 95, 1 этаж, офис 51.

  • Караганда

    пр. Назарбаева, 23, н.п. 1.

  • Тараз

    Жиллой массив: Телецентр 11

  • Усть-Каменогорск (Оскемен).

    пр. Назарбаева, 35/2.

  • Павлодар

    ул. Бектурова, д 22, этаж 2.

  • Атырау

    пр. Азаттык, д 94, 1 этаж.

  • Кызылорда

    Абая, 30/63, 1 этаж.

  • Актау

    мкр , 30, д. 181, нежилое помещение 9.


 Translation agency «KazTranslate» performs written translations of the documents on economical, financial, medical and legal thematic, translation of contracts, reports, letters, technical, advertising, scientific, popular scientific, publicist and literary texts, as well as translation of web-sites.

 Our translators are professionals not only in linguistic but also have large work experience and often second higher education in economical, legal or technical field. 

 Quality of our translations is being guaranteed by two levels of verification of written translations. Irrespectively on thematic and complexity, each text before delivery to the customer is obligatorily reading by editor who checks not only technical mistakes (misprints) but and also corresponding of translation to format of original text, observance of terminology, as well as unity of style and form, in the case, if a team of translator worked on an order.

Fields of specialization

The main thematic with which our company works:

· Financial-economical

· Legal

· Bank

· Technical

· Oil and gas

· Medical

· Literary

· Scientific (chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics etc.)

· Translation of advertising production

· Translation of personal documents

Unit of measure

 At order of written translation, calculation unit is a page of the text containing 1800 printed chars (“standard page) with gaps. Determination of volume of translation, in all cases, when it is possible, in being accomplished on the text of original, in other cases is on text of translation. Exclusion is Eastern languages (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Hebrew) at work with which, volume is always being determined on Russian text independent of direction of translation.

Minimal order and terms of performance

 Minimal volume of order is 1 standard page; an average speed of performance of translations is 8-12 standard pages per day. If necessary to perform a large order in a very short time, a group of translators which works on order under supervision of senior translators, editor and project manager is being formed.


 Prices for performance of written translations are represented in the section “Price”.

 Please note that you can order in us performance of free of charge test translation, as well as familiarize with samples of our translations on different thematic and languages in the section “Portfolio”.

 If you have any questions on this service, you can be able always to apply for us through form of question in the site, by phone numbers 8 (727) 317-17-68, 317-17-78, 8 (747) 317-17-78 or by e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Payment methods


Pay by Card





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