• Алматы

    ул. Желтоксан, д. 35, офис № 33

  • Астана

    Улица Иманова, 11, офис 106,

  • Шымкент

    Ул. Сайрамская, 235/1.

  • Актобе

    Ул. Маресьева, 95, 1 этаж, офис 51.

  • Караганда

    пр. Назарбаева, 23, н.п. 1.

  • Тараз

    Жиллой массив: Телецентр 11

  • Усть-Каменогорск (Оскемен).

    пр. Назарбаева, 35/2.

  • Павлодар

    ул. Бектурова, д 22, этаж 2.

  • Атырау

    пр. Азаттык, д 94, 1 этаж.

  • Кызылорда

    Абая, 30/63, 1 этаж.

  • Актау

    мкр , 30, д. 181, нежилое помещение 9.


 In our translation agency, for customer’s convenience we have a number of offices in different locations of Almaty. You can select the one that is closer to you and order the translation there. It is especially convenient if besides ordering online translation, you need a notarized paper of translation.

Description of service

 Notary certification of translations is necessary for attachment to document of legal force. For performance of notary certification, original of the document is being bound with translation and then the translator in the presence of notary signs the last page of the document and notary certify signature of the translator by its stamp. Data about the document and the translator performed translation are being recorded into register by notary.

 Please note that the document which is necessary to certify shall correspond to certain requirements stated in the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On notaries”.

Unit of measure

 Unit of measure for service of notary certification is signature of the translator. If the document is being translated from Russian language into foreign language or vice versa, it is required to certify only one signature of the translator. If translation is being performed from one foreign language to another or, if the document is drawn up in two foreign languages simultaneously, it is necessary to certify two signatures of the translator.

Minimal order and terms of performance

 Minimal order for this service is one signature of the translator. Generally, notary certification of translation is being performed within one work day.


 Translation bureau «KazTranslate» performs certification of translations accomplished by translators of our agency. In the case, if you already have translation of the document performed by another translator or translation bureau, our company shall perform verification of translation, then we can be able to certify translation by notary.  


Payment methods


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